Wednesday 21 April 2010

Such a bad girl

As usual, the blog posting has dried up! And as usual my desire to write a blog post has been rekindled by an assignment deadline looming. This one is pretty important though, well we've been told it's very important, only to have the lecturer's treat it like it's not important. It's the project proposal for my third year project. Exciting stuff. I'm terribly nervous about it, so far all I've managed is the title, which was actually quite hard to come up with and very wordy:

"A study on bacterial contamination density and type on keyboards in a multiuser environment and the effectiveness of hand hygiene products on keyboard to hand transfer levels when using a contaminated keyboard"

So now I have 4 days to write around that beast of a title. I'll do it, I have a habit of stressing myself silly until I crack and suddenly churn out a relatively good paper. It's been a shockingly good year for me this year, my grades have been no lower than an A-, which considering my academic background is pretty neat. I never really did well at school, just good enough to not be considered stupid, which is fine I guess, but at university I seem to have found what works for my brain, which really is quite a nice feeling. Although the exams are due in a month's time and I'm actually quite scared of them, I feel like I don't know anything, regardless of what my grades say! I'm pretty sure I'll pass, but never doing so well before, I feel a pressure to keep up to a certain level. Oh well, as long as I study...and don't write blog posts or play WoW, or get distracted by crazy things like re-organising my book shelf or alphabetising the DVDs...then I should be fine!

I bought another pair of pointe shoes the other day, some would say it's becoming an obsession since I didn't actually NEED a new pair of pointe shoes, the 6 I already have are still in good condition but the ones I bought seem to be the style that fit me best, so I think this new pair was actually needed as I can dance in them without wanting to cry. I am obsessed with pointe shoes though, I might as well admit that but I guess that comes with being obsessed with ballet! But I have established that the Grishko's fit me best and I will now stick with them! Probably. Maybe. We'll see.

Right 7 o'clock and it's still light, it surprises me every year how much I love it being light at night time when it starts happening again. It's just so pleasant. But 7 o'clock means it's officially evening, and as it's not the night before a deadline, this means I can stop work now and relax! Phew that title writing took it right out of me today!

Time to go enjoy the lovely spring evening :)

Taken from our bedroom window, alas it does not show the true pleasantness of the evening nor does the iPhone camera do it any justice.

1 comment:

  1. Basically yes, but I like my sciencey sounding words better! That is a pretty neat keyboard, if stupidly expensive!
