Wednesday 8 April 2009


So last week was all about playing WoW mostly, I was in a lot of pain and couldn't move around much, so it seemed like the only thing I could do, unless I wanted to have a epic week long Buffy marathon. That wasn't a option though, I'm trying to get through the series with Michael and after 4 years of being together we've got to series 3! I keep telling him about how awesome it is, but he's still not buying it, I think the older series have aged a little bit, which is a shame, they were so riveting to me as I was growing up. Anyways so last week I was exploring Storm Peaks mostly and doing a couple of old instances for enchanting materials. Storm Peaks was just so much fun for me to do, I enjoyed all the quests so much and the area is just stunning, it is a absolutely amazing area to fly around and explore. Got some screenshots to show off:
This one didn't turn out as sharp as it was on my screen, looks more misty on the screenshot, anyway this is outside Ulduar, brilliant ruined city of the titans, looks wonderful and there's just so much of it to see.
View from the other side of Ulduar :)
I spotted this when I was chasing after a herb node on my minimap and thought "ooh this looks interesting" and it was, it's a small area up near the Sons of Hodir ice fort thing, it just looks cool, a battle frozen mid flow.
My favourite screenshot from there, I love the thought and effort Blizzard have put into Wrath, there is just so much to see and explore, they've made it fun again basically, to me anyway.

As I'm off on my Easter holidays... I'm trying to get some serious studying done, I was planning on utilizing the full three weeks, but last week I wasn't in a great state of mind or body to get anything done, but so far this week I've not done too badly, in my mind I planned to be getting a lot more studying done than I was, but I'm studying properly rather than just writing up my lecture notes. Which is good, and hopefully I'll be able to keep up with getting 2 lectures done a day, although today that might not be completely possible now as I have procrastinated a little bit...

So far I've spent most of today watching ballet videos on youtube...definitely my biggest time sink on the interwebs, anyway, Michael and I are off to see Giselle at the Royal Opera House tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to it. I originally booked the tickets to see my favourite ballerina, Alina Cojocaru, dance the part, but sadly she is still injured, missed her when we went to see Swan Lake too.
Alina in Giselle.
But as I said I'm still really excited, the ballerina to replace her is Leanne Benjamin, who I haven't seen before, but have seen lots of on youtube and she is a stunning dancer, really has amazing technique and is one of the older principles of the Royal Ballet, so definately got the experience. Also Johan Kobborg is dancing, and he is pretty damn good himself, he has this amazing ability to do the biggest of jumps and turns and looks as if he is not even trying. Most male dancers when they do their big jumps and turns, they can obviously do them well, but they look like they exerting a lot of energy to do them, where as Johan, looks so light and airy when he dances. His lifts look effortless also, but completely solid.
Alina and Johan in the beautiful Manon (both pictures taken from Alina's website )

Giselle is a lovely ballet also, such a happy and bouncy first act....well apart from when she dies, and then the second act so beautiful and eerie. It should be a great night. And I will get to see Alina on my birthday hopefully in Les Sylphides, looking forward to see The Firebird at that performance also, looks like a really interesting ballet.

Right I think I've done enough waffling now, hopefully my next post should have some curtain call pictures of Johan and Leanne if I remember to take my camera. Should really get started on my Anatomy now!

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